Why a Walking Festival ???

Our story starts 10 years ago when a small group of volunteers started to restore and waymark the ancient walking highways of Andros. Since then many have walked these paths and the volunteers have grown in numbers and become the Andros Research Centre non-profit organisation so that today Andros has a network of 170km hiking routes signposted to European standards that give visitors a glimpse of the beauty, wealth and the ancient man-made landscape of the island. One hundred kilometres of the network are linked to provide a continuous long distance path called the Andros Route  that crosses the island from North to South. In 2015 the Andros Route was awarded the Leading Quality Trails-Best of Europe certification from the European Ramblers Association (ERA) and in 2018 the Route was re-certified following an inspection by the ERA.

The Andros on Foot Festival is a celebration through an exploration of the exceptional beauty of Andros on foot. It is a unique event that will bring together the people of Andros with walkers from the rest of Greece and abroad to experience a mixture of walking and local culture. Local cultural associations in villages across the island are preparing a range of enjoyable activities along the network of hiking routes.

The main organizer of the Andros on Foot Festival is the volunteer team of Andros Routes, who since 2009 have been restoring, waymarking and maintaining the island’s paths. See more at www.androsroutes.gr

Essential co-organizers of the Andros on Foot Festival are the members of the various Cultural Associations and the residents of the Andros villages where the Festival will take us.